Music makes a world of difference to the elderly

Aged Care Music Resources

Email from The Tapsations, Delaware, USA

Hi Graeme,

The package of CDs arrived this afternoon and I have been literally sitting here playing them for over 5 hours. Rich was out but when he came in, I started them over again. He’s been singing to them and they are all in his key.  We will be able to use any of these songs for our shows — they will be perfect!

The packaging is beautiful. I saw them on the internet but had no idea of the quality. They arrived in the USA in perfect A+ condition.

We are in awe of Barry’s talent. The songs are all extremely well done. We love how he mixes up the styles and instruments, and, wow, that powerful organ music for the church songs and even the sounds of voices on the songs.  A truly amazing collection! 

Thank you so much for sending them to us!

Talk soon!

Take care . . .


Sharon & Rich

We met The Tapsations online in 2003 when they discovered John Sidney’s music at our Evergreenmelodies website. The Tapsations perform at their local community functions and aged care facilities in Delaware, USA.  Their performances bring a lot of joy to the elderly in care and their costumes; they are quite amazing. Their website is well worth a visit; the photo gallery, well as they say ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. You can also follow The Tapsations on Face Book