Music makes a world of difference to the elderly

Aged Care Music Resources

Email received from Martyn in the UK


Hello Graeme,

They are superb and of such high quality. I am not surprised they are selling well. If I were a young man I would be out on the road selling them, feeling I was doing a worthwhile job and turning a pretty penny.

Honestly Graeme, you have produced a marvel with these two books and I salute you. I can see that it must have been a montainous task. It is also obvious what a team of people you have got around you who have helped with eveything.

Reading the acknowledgements was most enjoyable. I have gone through every line of these in both books and found it fascinating.

As for the books themsleves, I really like the ring binder spline, the way the CD’s slide into the page and the feel of the coated pages. The clarity of the titles and the spacing is absolutely perfect.

 The packaging gives off a real “well built” yet sleek feel and somehow the handling of the cases is a joy in itself. The design is sopisticated and yet there is not one shred of gimmickry.

In the next few days I will research the Ulverscroft Song Books on the net and will start listening to the discs. Then I will report further.

