Music makes a world of difference to the elderly

Aged Care Music Resources

Feedback from Parramatta Library Outreach (Home Library) services

Hi Graeme,

It’s been nice to catch up with you, and I’m so glad to provide some feedback with the products we purchased earlier.

As a public library services local community, we have purchased 5 sets of red and Blue Book CD Collection each in 2015.

In the past year, both collections are well used in our Outreach (Home Library) services, both titles were borrowed out more than 20 times including individuals and organisations. We had very positive feedback from our borrowers, many of them have asked to renew or re-borrow. Consider our lending period is 3 – 6 weeks, they’re hardly sitting on the shelf.

Also we have CD collection by John Sidney, they are kept with general lending collection as well as Outreach collection. These titles are used in general public but not as popular as Outreach.

Hope this can help and let me know if any further information needed.

Thanks and regards,

Samantha Li

Resources Management Librarian

City of Parramatta Library