Music makes a world of difference to the elderly

Aged Care Music Resources

Jane Stamp embraces the Green Large Print Song Book Music Edition

Dear Graeme,

After 5 years for the blue book and red book and the magic that they bring I opened the green book with great excitement. Well, what can I say other than…

You Delivered!!!

Hooray and an enormous “thank you”. The introductions make playing of the pieces so well-rounded, professional and enjoyable to listener and performer alike. I am so excited about working my way through all of the pieces in the green book. The keys are easily accessible to the human voice at a older age and the front page helps the pianist read the overall form of the piece. There is a wonderful collection of faster songs; something lacking in the first two books. I can’t wait to share my enthusiasm with musician friends and entertainers alike  So easy to read. So easy to play. Hours of joy ahead.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Kind regards,

Jane Stamp. ( Aged care entertainer. Heathmont.)