Music makes a world of difference to the elderly

Aged Care Music Resources

Letter from Norma in Newcastle, NSW

Dear Sandra,

Thank you for sending me the order form. Today I sent the order for 3 CD. I would dearly love to buy the set of 12. I am 80 and a pensioner, nearly blind and in a wheel chair. I have no family.

Anyhow could you please send me some order forms and when I can afford to buy some at a time when I can afford them.

I live in a hostel and they are too mean to buy them. I live for my music.

Thanking you Sandra,



Best wishes to you all for Christmas

We  received this note from a client in aged care today. She heard John Sidney’s music being played on Graeme Gilbert’s show on radio 2SM in Sydney. 

I was so moved by her letter I decided to send her the full set of CDs as a Christmas gift.
Sadly her letter reflects the resistance generally received from the decision makers in aged care in our efforts to reach the elderly in care with this beautiful music.
So many of them (the decision makers that is) just don’t get it or they are too preoccupied with their ‘budgets’! But really what is the cost of a box of CDs compared with the dramatic improvement in quality of life this music gives the elderly in care.

All they have is their memories and this music connects them with them and they wile away the hours reliving them.
I have included a link to an MP3 file sent to me by Graeme Gilbert where Norma called him to tell him about the box of CDs she received.

Download 2SM Norma talking to Graeme Gilbert
On the next page (Testimonial 17th December 2013) I published a letter Norma sent us in response to her receiving the CDs.

I phoned Norma on the 31st December 2013 to thank her for her lovely letters of thanks and she gave me permission to publish them with view to helping us create an awareness as to how valuable John Sidney’s music is to the aged in care.