Music makes a world of difference to the elderly

Aged Care Music Resources

Musical Bingo

Hi Graeme.

We printed off the first set of Bingo Cards for each of the Red, Blue and Green books, which we laminated – this is a bit time consuming initially but is a very cost effective measure when you have the finished product; I would think this is a point to push for facilities that have limited funds.

We decided that trialling Musical Bingo sessions would be adhoc – from previous experience if residents really enjoy something they will come back and ask to have it in the program on a regular basis. I am pleased to report that it is very successful and has been added to our regular monthly programming. Using the CD is not hard; you can do this in a number of ways such as: Play straight through from 1 – 20 (play each tune for 10 – 15 seconds and fast forward to the next and so on), or you can do it randomly using the same 10 – 15 seconds method and move on till all tunes have been played or, alternatively, play for 10 – 15 seconds till someone has the tune and then turn it into a sing-a-long. These are just a sample of the ways we have used it. We have also found this activity is beneficial and achievable for people with cognetive deficits or those living with dementia – it is a trigger for reminiscing as well as mental stimulation.

I think this is worth contacting all the facilities that have already purchased the Red, Blue and Green CDs to say how this adds value to a resource they already have on hand – and as I said early, printing and laminating yourself is a worthwhile cheap option.

I am pleased the hear that you are on the way to recovering some of your personal finances which you injected into the development of these quality resources. I am glad you have “don’t give up” in your DNA – we need driven enthusiastic people like ourselves who are committed to continually improving the quality of life of older people living in care – keep up the good work Graeme!!!

I would very much like you to use my comments on your website especially if it helps to push the Bingo cards – once people have them they will see how they add enormous value to a resource they may already own.

Talk soon. I must …

Kind regards,

Leonie Bell

Lifestyle Coordinator

Yackandandah Health