Music makes a world of difference to the elderly

Aged Care Music Resources

These are excellent resources – Melissa Wright

Hello Graeme,

Our day centre has been using the Red and Blue Song Books for many years.  They’re our go-to because the playlists are based around the era of our clients’ ‘playlist of life’.  

We have volunteers come in and play piano using the Red and Blue Song Books piano manuscripts.  On the odd occasion they’re unavailable, our (not musically trained) lifestyle staff would facilitate the sessions unaccompanied (much to our clients’ amazement and giggles!)  Now we have the accompanying CDs to use whenever our clients want to sing (or as a background stimulant to divert and encourage through those ‘sticky’ moments throughout a program).

Thank you Graeme for these excellent resources – well worth the money.

Melissa Wright, Uniting AgeWell – Strathdon Social Support

Melissa Wright
Activities Assistant