Music makes a world of difference to the elderly

Aged Care Music Resources

Meet Jade Gilchrist

As people from the Baby Boomer era began to enter our aged care facilities, the need for music to cater to the tastes of this later generation, was identified here at Aged Care Music Resources. 

Thus, began the journey to produce the Green Book series which culminated in the release of the final component, The Green Large Print Song Book Music Edition, in December 2019.

As a great believer in networking and collaboration and all that can achieve,

Graeme was thrilled to tap into the expertise of Jade Gilchrist, who provided invaluable assistance in sourcing the sheet music for this latest addition to the Green Book series.

Jade, currently Lifestyle and Volunteer Coordinator at Clifton Community Health Services, has an impressive 20 years of experience in Lifestyle in both Australia and China, where she worked in various roles in disability, aged care and education within the leisure and health context. 

Using this wealth of experience and her finely honed research skills, following the completion of her Anthropology degree in 2014, Jade published a paper titled, ‘ The impact of the baby boomer generation on diversional therapy practice.’ The aim of this work is to assist with the transition of baby boomers to aged care and inform the practice of leisure and health professionals.

Coupled with these skills and level of experience is Jade’s love of music, which she embodies in her philosophy that ‘music is a vital part of promoting wellbeing and something all recreational therapists should consider adding to their skill set.’ In response to this belief, Jade took up flute when she began in her role at Clifton Community Health Services.

All of this made Jade a perfect match to collaborate on the Green Book sheet music version.

Graeme was also given the honour of presenting Jade with an award for her achievements (pictured), when she was recognised as a finalist in the Excellence Awards at the Diversional and Recreational Therapist Association 2019 National Conference last Friday (13 September 2019).