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Music makes a world of difference to the elderly

Aged Care Music Resources

It’s never too late to start a new career

By Samantha Campbell – Published in the FORSTER FORTNIGHTLY Community News  27th October 2021

Recently I invited the Bob Berrigan trio, Bob – keyboard, Paul Gallagher – bass and Don Sleishman – drums to join me in a recording session at Studio 27 in Taree.

Now retired from my busy show business life as a singer in the Sydney club circuit, etc, I wanted to record some of the beautiful old favourites of my genre, songs that I now sing for aged care residents on a volunteer basis, plus conduct the Golden Ponds Village Voices (when not in lockdown).

It was fantastic to discover these other professional musicians plus an expert sound engineer, John Race at Studio 27, all living close by to help me bring my recording desire into reality.

Don Sleishman is a very famous drummer having backed Australian and International artists for many a year throughout the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s and whose drum inventions are world renowned, quietly living in our area.

The recording resulted in some lovely tracks which will now become part of a complimentary CD for the Graeme Pope Melbourne company “Aged Care Music Resources” plus the local residents whom I now entertain, should they desire to have a copy.

Apart from young John Race, as we left the studio having enjoyed a great recording session, we all agreed “Not bad for a bunch of 70 to 80-year-olds!”

So my 83rd year has certainly been very exciting and I am told, (very kindly by my professional muso mates), “You still got it Sam!”

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