Music makes a world of difference to the elderly

Aged Care Music Resources



In the 40s and 50s many young people ‘went dancing’ up to three times a week and they would have danced many times to the songs on this album. John Sydney’s repertoire of classic old favorites provides the opportunity to relive those wonderful days. Containing 53 minutes of popular waltzes, slow foxtrots and quicksteps, the numbers on this album have been arranged to provide a great dance session for any occasion.


In the 40s and 50s many young people ‘went dancing’ up to three times a week and they would have danced many times to the songs on this album. John Sydney’s repertoire of classic old favorites provides the opportunity to relive those wonderful days. Containing 53 minutes of popular waltzes, slow foxtrots and quicksteps, the numbers on this album have been arranged to provide a great dance session for any occasion.

John Sidney’s music is also available for download via most online music streaming apps; Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Amazon Music, Google Play Music, iHeartRadio, just to name a few. Type JOHN SIDNEY ALBUMS in your search to reveal this huge collection of his wonderful piano music.

Weight 0.083 kg