Music makes a world of difference to the elderly

Aged Care Music Resources



The electronic keyboard is virtually an orchestra at the player’s fingertips … and it is with this orchestra that Barry Hall has created his album of well-known music, from popular classics to rousing sing-a-longs and instrumental favourites. You’ll be amazed at the variety of instruments Barry has been able to coax from what he calls his magic keyboard, a Technics KN7000.


The electronic keyboard is virtually an orchestra at the player’s fingertips … and it is with this orchestra that Barry Hall has created his album of well-known music, from popular classics to rousing sing-a-longs and instrumental favourites. You’ll be amazed at the variety of instruments Barry has been able to coax from what he calls his magic keyboard, a Technics KN7000.

Barry Hall is an extremely versatile entertainer and talented musician. His music is available for download via most online music streaming apps; Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Google Play Music, iHeartRadio, just to name a few. Type BARRY HALL ALBUMS in your search to reveal a rather diverse collection of his wonderful music.

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