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Music makes a world of difference to the elderly

Aged Care Music Resources

Musical Bingo Matched to CD Collections

matched to the 29 CDs in the Blue, Red and Green Book CD Collections

  • After countless requests from the industry, we’re now delighted to offer Musical Bingo matched to the 29 CDs in the Blue, Red and Green Book CD Collections.
  • With 20 game cards for each of 29 CDs, that will be a whopping 580 different musical Bingo Cards.
  • Leonie Bell, lifestyle coordinator at Yackandandah Aged Care Facility, shares her experience with this resource:

Music Bingo cards a fantastic addition (13 FEB 2019) 

Music Bingo (12 JUN 2018)


There are 29 Musical Bingo game card sets in total.
Each Musical Bingo game card set consists of 20 Cards which have been designed to match every CD in the Blue, Red and Green Book CD Collection.
The following PDF files are available FREE for you to download and print your own game cards.

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